What are Twitter Metrics?



Twitter Metrics displays data relating to your Twitter account's performance and interactions, starting from the point that you connect your account in Raven. A total of four metrics sections are available: Tweets, Mentions, Connections and Referring Traffic.

A total of ten metrics appear at the top of the Tweets section. Each metric displays current data, along with change over time:

  • Following: The number of Twitter users that this Twitter account is subscribed to.
  • Followers: The number of users who subscribe to this Twitter account's feed.
  • Total Mentions: Number of tweets that included this Twitter account's username. On this screen, the total number of Mentions listed is the sum of all Replies, Retweets and Other Mentions.
  • Retweet Reach: Maximum number of Twitter users potentially exposed your posts by other users retweeting them.
  • Posts: Number of tweets made by this Twitter account.
  • Replies: Number of @ replies made by this Twitter account to other Twitter users.
  • Reply Reach: Maximum number of users potentially exposed to a reply to this Twitter account.
  • Retweets: Number of retweets made by this Twitter account, sharing other users' tweets.
  • Follower/Following Ratio: The ratio of Followers to Following for this Twitter account, expressed in decimals.
  • Sessions: The total number of visits to your website where Twitter is the referring domain. This data comes from the Social > Network Referrals section in Google Analytics.

Metrics can be added to the box by clicking the gear icon in the top-right corner of the table. They can be removed from view by clicking the X when hovering over the metric with your mouse cursor. Comparison data will only display if enough data exists in your account to display information from the previous period.

In addition to these metrics, Twitter Metrics provides graphs showing this data over time. Each section matches up with a group of related metrics, displaying this data over the course your set date range.

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