What are YouTube Metrics?



Raven's YouTube integration offers several different metrics, corresponding to either your channel or your videos:

  • Lifetime Subscribers (Channel): The amount of YouTube users who have subscribed to your YouTube Channel.
  • Upload Views (Channel): The total number of views on your uploaded videos, including repeat views by individual users, during a given time period.
  • Views (Video): The number of times someone has watched your video.
  • Comments (Video): The number of times YouTube users have commented on your video.
  • Favorites (Video): The number of times YouTube users have added your video to their favorites list.
  • Unique Views (Video Detail): The number of individuals who have viewed your video (not counting multiple views)

You can also track the total amount of referrals traffic coming to your website from YouTube. This data is provided in the Referral Traffic section and comes from Social > Network Referrals in Google Analytics.

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