Can I bulk add or edit keywords in Keyword Manager?



Yes! Adding keyword to Keyword Manager can be accomplished in many different ways, including uploading a list of keywords as a CSV. Not only can keywords be added, but tags for those keywords can be changed all at once, without needing to edit each individual keyword.

Formatting Your CSV File

For a template, download the sample CSV file. Keep in mind that at least the Keyword column must be present in the file, or else your upload will not be accepted.

A good strategy to ensure correct formatting is to use your favorite spreadsheet program and export your data as a .csv file using the specified columns. Alternatively, you can use a basic text editor like Notepad or TextWrangler. Here's an example of how your CSV file may look if opened in a text editor:

"juggling","urgent, fun, Jason's clients"
"car wheels","Southeast, auto, Nate's clients"

Tip: Make sure there is just one line break between each row of text in your CSV file. In other words, there should be no rows of space in your CSV file. Wikipedia has a good overview of CSV files if you'd like more in-depth information on the format.

Bulk Removing Tags

In addition to adding keywords and tags with CSV imports, you can also modify existing keywords. In particular, you can make bulk changes to your keywords' tags by importing a CSV with keywords already being managed in Keyword Manager. Tags can be removed by appending a negative (-) to the existing tag that you would like to remove.

For instance, let's say you're managing several keywords with the tags "pending", "California" and "marketing." If you wanted to remove the "pending" tag when uploading your CSV, this is how your CSV file might look:

"Amoeba","-pending, California, marketing"
"bridges,"-pending, marketing"
"how to dougie","-pending"

In all of these cases, Keyword Manager will remove the "pending" tag from your keywords without adding any new tags.

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