How do I connect my Google Ads account?



You are able to connect one Google Ads account per Campaign in Raven. We recommend using an MCC account, if available.

  1. Navigate to Ads > Google Ads and click the Add Google Ads Account button.
  2. If you already have Google Accounts connected, you will be presented with a dropdown menu for selecting one of those accounts. If you see the account you were planning on connecting in this list, choose the account and click Use This Account. Otherwise, click the New Account button.


  3. You will be directed to a Google page asking if you would want to allow Raven to access your account. Click the Accept button.


  4. Select a specific Google Ads Account. Raven recommends connecting My Client Center (MCC) accounts, which contain multiple Ads accounts. If you are connecting a single Ads account, you may be required to enter your Customer ID.

Google Ads Account Settings

Choose a Different Customer Account

If you connected a MCC account in Raven, you can change the active account in Settings. Click the Tool Options button, choose Customize Settings from the menu and navigate to the Customer Accounts tab. Choose a new Customer Account from the dropdown menu and click Submit to save your changes.

Reconnecting Google Ads Accounts

If you'd like to tie a different Google Ads account to the current Campaign or reconnect your account, you can do so by clicking the Tool Options button in Google Ads and choosing Customize Settings from the menu. In the window that appears, select the Reset Connection tab and click the Reset Connection button.

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