How do I add a new user?



Whether you're an in-house team or a major marketing agency, Raven can work within your team structure and workflow. Once you've signed up for Raven, you can add users to your account so that they can work independently within your account.

Keep in mind that only Admins can add users. If you do not see User Manager as an option or are otherwise unable to add a new user to your account, you likely do not have the appropriate permissions to add additional users.

Add User

Here's how you can add a user to your account:

  1. Navigate to Preferences > User Manager.
  2. Click the Add Sub-User or Add Read-Only User button.
  3. Enter user details:
    1. Full Name: The name of your new user.
    2. Email: This will also be your new user's username.
    3. Password: The password you want initially assigned to this user. Pick a secure one!
    4. Send Welcome Email: Send this person a welcome email (which you can preview by clicking the Show Email button). This will be sent from the system address set in White Label, but cannot be edited.
    5. Global Admin: Choose whether or not this user should be able to manage users, roles, Profiles and more.
  4. Click the Submit button.
  5. Assign this user a role. For more information on assigning permissions to users, see this article.

Sub-User vs. Read Only

There are two major types of user that can be added to your account: sub-users and read only users. Sub-users are able to read and write to your account unless permissions are set otherwise. Read only users, however, can only look at the data and reports that have already been added.

A NOTE ON USAGE: Pro accounts are allotted ​​​four users, three sub-users and the​​ Account Owner. Additional ​users​ beyond those four will cost an additional $19/month each. Agency accounts are allotted unlimited sub-users. Both types are allotted unlimited read-only users.

Deactivate User

Users can be deleted by going to Preferences > User Manager, clicking the gear icon next to the user you would like to remove and choosing Deactivate. Deactivated users can be reactivated at any time, if you so choose.

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