How do I create a new One Time report in WYSIWYG Reports?


With Raven's WYSIWYG Reports tool, you can create a custom, interactive HTML report in a matter of minutes. Just follow these steps to create your first report, using data from your Campaign.

Step 1: Create a New Report

Before you do anything, you'll need to create your report. To do this, navigate to Reports > WYSIWYG Reports and click the New Report button. This will create a blank slate for you to work with. We'll add data to that report momentarily.

Step 2: Build Your Report


If you've already created a report that you would like to duplicate, you can use the Import Template button to copy an older report's sections and widgets into your newly created report. Otherwise, you'll want to start from the beginning.

Add a Pre-Built Section


For your convenience, we've created a number of pre-built Sections that you can use in your reports:

  1. Click the Add Section button to bring up the Section picker.
  2. Choose a Section from the menu. Every tool in Raven is represented here, along with options for customizable text summaries, file attachments and imported data.
  3. In the Section, choose a group of widgets. These are preset arrangements of KPIs, graphs and tables that approximate the reporting modules from Report Wizard.
  4. Let the new Section populate and repeat as desired.

You can add as many Sections as you'd like to a report. To delete a section, hover over the Section title to reveal option icons. Click the X to delete the Section. You can also rename the section by clicking the gear icon and change the date range by clicking the calendar icon.

Add a Custom Widget


In addition to pre-built Sections, you can also add custom widgets to your report. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Add Section button to bring up the Section picker.
  2. Choose a Section from the menu. Be sure to pick the tool that contains the data you want in your custom widget.
  3. Instead of choosing a widget group, click the Create Custom Widget button.
  4. Select a metric from the dropdown menu and then select a Widget Type: KPI, Line Graph, Bar Chart, Pie Chart or Table.
  5. Choose your options. The options here are dependent on the kind of metric that you've chosen. Google Analytics widgets, for example, will give options for Advanced Segments and Primary Dimensions.
  6. Give your Widget a name and assign it to a Section.

You'll be able to preview what your custom widget looks like at the bottom of the Add New Widget window. To edit your Widget, hover over it and click the gear icon. To delete the widget, hover over it and click the X icon.

If you want to add multiple widgets with similar settings, click the Add Another Widget button to keep the edit screen visible while adding your widget to your report.

Step 3: Add a Logo


Once you've created your report, you can brand that report with your logo. Click the Add Logo button to select a previously uploaded logo or add a new one to the report. If a logo is not chosen, this space will be blank in your report.

Step 4: Publish It!


Finished with your report? Click the Publishing Options button and select the Publish Report option to make it live. Kick back and we'll compile all of that data into an easily sharable report. Don't like what you see? Click the Unpublish Report option in that same menu to take it offline.

Don't forget! If you make changes to your report, you must publish the changes to see it in the HTML or PDF version.

Optional: Email Your Report


Want to deliver your reports to your clients via email once it's been published? Click the Email Report button to automatically mail this report to a list of recipients:

  • To: Who you want to send this report to, separating multiple emails with commas. There is a 250 character limit on this field.
  • From: The email that you'd like this email to be sent from.
  • BCC: If desired, you can Blind Carbon Copy email addresses on the report. Those addresses will receive one email for each recipient in the To: field. This is best used in conjunction with project management software like Basecamp.
  • Subject: The subject line of the email.
  • Message: A custom message to be included in the body of the email.

Click the Submit button to save your Report Settings.

Optional: Change Your Report Settings


The Report Settings menu allows you to make some broad changes to the entirety of your report, including scheduling, templatizing, and more. There are six settings in total here:

  • Report Title: Set the title for your report, which will be visible in your WYSIWYG Reports history.
  • Report Type: Either let the report run whenever you choose to publish new changes, or set it to automatically run on a schedule.
  • Date Range: Set the overall date range for your report sections. This can be a custom range, or one of our preset date ranges. Selecting the "Change all section dates to this date range" will automatically change all of your sections to fit this range.
  • Compare Date Range: Similar to the Date Range setting, but for the range of dates that you'd like to compare against. Selecting the "Change all section dates to this date range" will automatically change all of your sections' comparison ranges to fit this range.
  • Template Settings: If you would like to make the contents of this report importable, select one of the options here. Turning a report into a template allows you to import all of the widgets (and settings from the widgets) into another report.
  • Date Format: Pick from three date formats: mm/dd/yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd.

Each of these settings affects the entire report, so be careful!

Publishing Your Report

When you publish your report, Raven will automatically convert any preset date ranges — Last Month or Last 30 Days, for example — to Custom Date Ranges. This conversion occurs to ensure that the data that you want published stays in the ranges that you picked. If you're finding yourself reporting regularly on changing date ranges, we recommend creating a scheduled report.

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