How do I export my WYSIWYG report as a PDF?


In addition to producing interactive HTML reports, Raven's WYSIWYG Reports also gives you the ability to export these reports as a printer-friendly PDF. These PDF exports can be created on on-demand through your published HTML report or scheduled and sent via email.

Exporting On-Demand

In order to export a PDF report, you must first create a report in WYSIWYG Reports. For more detailed information on creating these reports, see the "How do I create a new One Time report?" article.

Once you've published your report by clicking Publish Changes or Publish Report in the Publishing Options menu, you'll be presented with a link to view your report. Click that link. On the left-side of the screen, under the navigation links, you'll see a button for Export PDF. Click this button to download your PDF report.

Once the button has been clicked, it can take a minute or so to create the report. This report will automatically download once it has finished compiling.

Scheduling PDF Exports

Reports can be scheduled to run daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly. In addition to creating the report automatically, Raven can also deliver that report to you, your client or anyone else via email.

If you would prefer to receive PDF versions of your report, follow these steps:

  1. Create your report, as described in the "How do I create a new One Time report?" article.
  2. Click the Edit Report button at the top of the screen and then click the Scheduling tab in the window that appears.
  3. Enter your desired frequency, run day or month and date range.


  4. Click the Email Settings tab to enable email delivery and set up your customizable email settings. At the bottom of this window are three options: HTML Link, PDF Link and PDF Attachment. The last two are most relevant for PDF users:
    • PDF Link: This delivers a download link for the PDF version of your report to your email recipients. This is valuable for tracking if large attachments can cause issues with your recipients.
    • PDF Attachment: This attaches the PDF to the email itself, eliminating any necessary link clicks. This is valuable if you just want the most straight-forward way to deliver a report.
  5. Click the Submit button to save your changes.

When your report is run next, WYSIWYG Reports will use the above settings to deliver your PDF report via email.

Common Issues and Limitations

There are a handful of issues that you may run into when exporting PDF reports.

Tables Get Cut Off

Keep in mind that PDF reports are limited by the size of the page, so very wide tables may not be fully visible in a PDF export. The best solution for this is to ensure that columns that are not useful for your report are disabled. You can disable columns by editing the widget — click the gear icon when hovering over it — and deselecting any unnecessary columns.

Custom Content Disappears

If embedding content from outside sources, the PDF builder may not be able to understand the code used to embed that data. If you're finding that this data is not available in the PDF export, you may want to consider replacing the interactive version with a screenshot.

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