How do I track competitor rankings in SERP Tracker?


Need to know how your rankings stack up against your competitors for important, conversion-driving keywords? You can compare your keyword rankings against up to five competitors with SERP Tracker, giving you the edge to stay ahead of the competition.

There are a few different ways to add competitors to SERP Tracker:

Add Individual Competitor in SERP Tracker

  1. Click the Competitors tab in Rank Tracking > SERP Tracker.
  2. Click Add Competitor
  3. Enter the URL of your competitor without the HTTP or HTTPS protocol.
  4. Click Submit.

Add Bulk Competitors in Competitor Manager

  1. Navigate to Competitor Research > Competitor Manager.
  2. Click the Add Competitors button.
  3. Enter competitors, one per line, into the field shown in the Add Competitors window.
  4. Add any tags that you might want to apply to these competitors.
  5. Click the Add button.

Tracking competitors doesn't use up any additional RPCs, so you can track as many or as few competitors as you'd like in SERP Tracker

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