How to Remove a Google Account from Raven


Before you begin: When you connect a Google Account in Raven, it creates what is known as an authorization token. These tokens allow us to access your Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Search Analytics and YouTube data without needing to store your login data.

But, what if you connected the wrong account or otherwise no longer need to access an account? Raven allows you to delete these tokens through the Google Manager tool. This user guide shows you how.

How to Remove Google Account From Raven

1] On the left side menu, click SEO Research and then click Google Analytics.


2] In the upper right of the Google Analytics page, click Tool Options.


3] From the Tool Options popup menu, click Manage Google Accounts.


4] The Google Account Manager page appears where you'll see a list of Google Accounts that have been added to your Raven account, along with the Google properties with which that token has access.


5] Locate the account in the list you want to remove from Raven and on the far right, click the gear icon.


6] From the popup menu choose Remove.


7]  A popup appears noting all of the campaigns that will be affected. You may want to screenshot this page so that you'll know which campaigns need to be reconnected or dealt with when you're done.


8] Click the Delete Account button. This will permanently remove the access token from your Raven account. To add it back, you will need to connect your Google Account again. You can also use this tool to reconnect Google Accounts, which may be necessary for troubleshooting purposes.

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