When posting to Twitter through Raven, you have the option of automatically shortening links using one of several shortening services. This ensures that you're getting the most efficient use out of your Tweets, as long URLs can eat up much of your 140 character limit.
To shorten a link, simply click the Shorten URLs button when posting to Twitter through the Twitter tool or Social Stream.
Available Link Shorteners
Raven supports the following link shortening services:
- goo.gl (used by default)
- tinyurl.com
- bit.ly *
- j.mp *
- Custom *
To choose a default Link Shortener, navigate to Social > Twitter and choose Customize Settings from the Tool Options menu.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) require a username and API key for use in Raven. Consult the help documents for those services to discover where to obtain an API key.