How to Build a Report That Emphasizes Conversions


The most important metric for measuring the success of your marketing campaigns is conversions. That could mean anything from driving traffic to your client's website, pushing sales or increasing sign-ups for newsletter or blog subscribers.

Using Raven's WYSIWYG Reports, you can show exactly what your marketing efforts have yielded through a conversion-focused report with 1) Google Analytics, 2) Google Search Console and 3) Bing Webmaster Tools.

First Steps

1] Connect these sources:

  • Google Analytics account
  • Google Search Console account
  • Bing Webmaster Tools account
NOTE: That will cover your bases for a report dealing primarily with SEO. You may want to consider adding in Google Ads data as well, in the event that you're running PPC campaigns


2] Navigate to the WYSIWYG Reports page using the left side menu.

WYSIWYG Reports Menu.png

3] In the upper right, click the New Report button.

New WYSIWYG Reprot Button.png

Adding Google Analytics Goal Conversions

Google Analytics calculates conversions based on your criteria in the form of goals and ecommerce tracking. These are set up by you in Google Analytics and synced automatically in your Raven account. Ecommerce tracking is a powerful way of demonstrating monetary value to your marketing efforts, while goals are useful for showing activity and actions on the website itself.

So, with that being said, let's get to work on adding Goals data.

4] On the left side, click the Add More Metrics button.

Add More Metrics Button.png

5] Click the Google Analytics icon.

Click Google Analytics.png

6] Click Create Custom Widget.

Create Custom Widget.png

7] From the Metric dropdown menu, choose select All Traffic.

Select All Traffic.png

8] Select a widget type.

Select Widget Type.png

9] Change the Conversions setting from All Goals to a specific goal.

Specific Conversion Goal.png

10]  From the Metric dropdown menu,  select one of the specific goal metrics, like Goal Conversion Rate.

Metrics Conversion Rate.png

11] Enter any other pertinent information like Title or Section Name and click Submit.

Click Sumbit Rev 2.png

NOTE: You can repeat that process for each goal that you want to report on. You can also add the "Goals" pre-built section, which will provide more generic goal conversion information.
NOTE: Looking for a list of all of your Goals and their performance in a single table? You can find a version of this in SEO Metrics, using the Goals metric. The one drawback is that it will only provide data for organic traffic: no referrals, paid, direct or other non-search traffic.


Adding Keyword Rankings Data

Ever since Google Analytics stopped providing visits information for organic keywords, it's become harder and harder to accurately measure what searches are driving traffic to your website. Google Search Console gives you more control over that hidden data.

This is where you can use Keyword Rankings tables to your benefit. You can add pre-built widget groups for both Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools, or you can add custom widgets to create these tables, as you did with Google Analytics.

The benefit of the Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools options is obvious, but consider the two outliers:

Keyword Manager Rankings: Once you've uploaded a list of keywords to Keyword Manager, the Keyword Manager Rankings table widget will match rankings data from Google and Bing to any keywords with available rankings data. That allows you to pick and choose which phrases are most important to you (or you're particularly focusing your SEO efforts on) and track rankings, impressions and clicks on only those.

Google Analytics Rankings: Alternatively, you can pull all of the keywords from Google Analytics and display Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools data against those keywords. Due to the increase in encrypted searches, this list won't be comprehensive, but matching the keywords here against keywords present in Google Search Console or Bing Webmaster Tools will provide some extra insight.

Because this is a conversion report, the point here isn't necessarily rankings, it's impressions and, more importantly, clicks. Sort your tables by clicks to see what's actually driving traffic.

Data Import and Polish

Between Google Analytics, Search Analytics, and (optionally) SEO Metrics, you should have a solid report built entirely on real-life data.  There are a few extra steps that you may want to take just to boost it even further:

  • Import external data, if you have any. You can import any CSV into WYSIWYG Reports, so if you're using any tools that have conversion data like a separate ecommerce suite or application tracking, upload it into Raven for display alongside your other data.

  • Toss in a couple of line graphs from Google Analytics and Keyword Rankings, overlaid with Events. As you accomplish tasks in your marketing campaign, add them to Event Manager so that they're displayed over your graphs. This could be anything from starting a PPC campaign to sending out a newsletter.

  • Use Text Summary widgets to give analysis and emphasize your efforts. Your clients can't read your mind; direct them to what you want them to see using Text Summary widgets. These are blank HTML blocks that let you provide additional context to the widgets in your report.
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